More Than 50 Tricks To Take Care of Your Carpets Aand Keep Them Spotless!

After finishing our contest with the carpet brand Dac Rugs we are pleased to announce to you the winner and offer you the more than 50 tricks to take care of your carpets that we have selected from among all the participations.

A few days ago, with the help of Dac Rugs, we proposed a contest to win a fantastic carpet of Spanish design and manufactured by hand … a real wonder! The winner of it has been Laura Marian Salcedo, and we want to thank everyone for having participated and, above all, for sharing with us your tricks to take care of your carpets.

We have compiled more than 50 tricks to take care of your carpets to make an excellent article that will undoubtedly be one of the most complete that you can find on the net. Do not miss all these tricks to take care of your carpets with which you will have guaranteed success!

Tricks to take care of your carpets!

  • You have to vacuum them every three days at least, or more if there are allergies at home. If the stain is grease, I try to give it with a dishwashing liquid immediately so that it is effective. From my experience, I am careful if the fabrics are natural and in light tones.
  • I pass a brush but before wetting it with a sprayer in warm water with lowered ammonia.
  • I use the Vaporetta.
  • Since childhood, in my house, salt has been thrown to the carpets. I don’t know very well why but it was fun and it worked!
  • With the vacuum cleaner and some cleaning products available in the carpet cleaner solution test that does not need rinsing; this is what I do when there is a stain. 
  • I wash them with shampoo.
  • I clean them with vinegar and baking soda in case there are spots.
  • I use cleaning products from those sold in commercial establishments.
  • I wash them with carpet shampoo, brush them, let them dry and then comb them with a soft brush. I think that it depends on the type of carpet and the dirt it has, also in some cases sodium bicarbonate is used, which also removes bad odors.
  • I breathe frequently, but first the mud with a special broom that removes hairs and fluff. From time to time, I take it to a professional to do the cleaning.
  • A vacuum cleaner with a brush, warm water if there are any sticks … and they look like new!
  • I clean them with baking soda and then I vacuum them.
  • I use cleaning foams.
  • With a wet plastic broom or baking soda and then vacuuming.
  • With special liquids.
  • Vacuum to collect dust, and then a sponge with soapy water to remove stains and let dry.
  • I clean it with a vacuum cleaner, and if it has any stains it prepares warm water and soap, I spray that mixture on a damp cloth and rub the carpet with it … it looks like new !!!
  • I take it daily and once or twice a year, I take it to the dry cleaners.
  • I vacuum once a week, and when there are spots, I remove them with a mixture of warm water and ammonia.
  • I regularly use a vacuum machine for dust, and every month or month and a half I wash them with a mixture of shampoo, vinegar and baking soda. The combination cannot be very liquid to prevent soaking and cost more to dry. Also rinse it with a cloth dampened in foam and smooth fabric softener, carpet like new.
  • Always with the vacuum cleaner, and if it spills something clean with neutral soap and water. Then dry with the hair dryer.
  • I vacuum them every week, and in case some liquid is spilled that does not stain I put paper towels or bath on top, and something heavy to absorb well. If the fluid is one of those that stain, I use baking soda, and when it dries, I remove it. This can be done as many times as necessary.
  • I dissolve detergent in warm water and apply with a cloth after having aspirated.
  • I use a special dry foam to clean carpets, and I also vacuum it every week.
  • With soapy water and baking soda, I make a foam and clean the carpet with a brush.
  • One of the tricks to take care of your carpets that I use most is to pass a roller brush since I have cats and they release a lot of hair. They are perfect!
  • Vacuum and clean with water and ammonia.
  • First, I do a proper brushing or vacuuming, both right and wrong. Then, to clean, I use a clean cloth with white vinegar and hot water in equal parts, or a portion of ammonia and three hot water. In both cases, they clean very well and remove bad odors. If we want the colors of the carpet to shine as before, then we make a wonderful sawdust mixture moistened in white vinegar and cover the carpet for 2-3 hours, then brush very hard, the result is fantastic.
  • I use baby shampoo, I put it in a bowl a little shampoo and I impregnate it in a brush for mud or pots, but without wetting it much. Then I pass a clean, dry cloth. Before cleaning, I give the broom to remove dust.
  • With baking soda sprinkling and then mud with a broom or brush, it can also be cleaned with white vinegar and water in equal parts or hair shampoo.
  • I use unique products to take care of the carpets.
  • In addition to having the appropriate precautions so that it does not stain or dump anything on top of it, I vacuum every day. Approximately once a month sprinkle baking soda and let it act all night, then pass a rag and is impeccable.
  • With shampoo and cleaning the dust every day.
  • I try to clean it every day, and if it has any stains, I wash it with some product that removes them but without wetting it a lot.
  • I don’t let it take a long time since it gets stained and I use a damp cloth with a drop of dry cleaning detergent, it works without fail! I also usually vacuum very often.
  • With a solution of white vinegar with bicarbonate in a sponge, and after 15 minutes, I put it in the sun to dry in the open air.
  • First, I put a sheet of paper towels to absorb, and then I pass a sponge with soapy water made with neutral white soap.
  • To avoid bad odors, the dreaded mites and allergies appear on long-haired carpets I use a mixture of 50 ml of white vinegar and 250 ml of water. I spray the rug with a sprayer and let it dry for 3 hours outdoors.
  • For cleaning, I use only two products: talcum powder and baking soda. First, spray with water to moisten the carpet, but not soak it, and then sprinkle the baking soda first and then the talcum powder, leaving it completely covered. I let it sit all night and the next day I vacuum, the carpet is impeccable.
  • With a lot of care and dry foam.
  • Initially, I mop with bar soap several times and then I remove the soap with the same cloth, I always have very clean.
  • To clean the stains, I use water mixed with vinegar and they are spectacular. Besides, we try to always be without shoes.
  • Weekly I vacuum the carpet. Every 2-3 months sprinkle baking soda all over the rug and let it act for 2 to 4 hours and then clean. Once a year, I take her to the dry cleaners.
  • I take care of them, especially by not stepping on them with my shoes, and also going barefoot gives me comfort.
  • Vacuuming frequently, not forgetting the lower face, it is best to lift it and hang it from a bar to hit it with a shaker. That means that moth eggs and other parasites are eliminated without the need for chemicals.
  • I clean it with Volvo.
  • Do not walk with shoes on the carpet, vacuum it regularly and do not stick it to the floor with ribbons.
  • I run the vacuum regularly and try to clean the stains at the moment so that the mark does not remain.
  • Sprinkle baking soda and let it sit while I do other things. Then you have to vacuum and they are perfect and odor-free. To me that I have dogs at home is the best trick I could find!
  • Sweep and brush regularly and also vacuum.
  • I clean my carpets with a cup of baking soda, three tablespoons of talcum powder and three tablespoons of cornstarch. Mix and put in a boat with which you can sprinkle the entire carpet. Let it act all night and the next day it vacuums several times, both hair and counter hair.
  • If you have a stain, add some baking soda and a few drops of lavender to perfume. Pass a cloth and voila, clean and scented carpet!
  • I use a glass cleaner, moistening the foam part with a liquid floor cleaner. I pass it through the carpets as if I were sweeping them, everything remains attached to the rubber and the rug is impeccable.

As you can see, there are many tricks to take care of your carpets. We each have ours, probably inherited from our mothers and grandmothers. Although I already had mine, of all those who have left us sure that I am left with some to apply them … you have to try everything in this cleaning!